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Make Your Body Healthy and Beautiful With Help of Ayurveda

How To Make Your Body Healthy and Beautiful With Help of Ayurveda

In today’s blog, we will learn how to make the body healthy and beautiful with Ayurveda. The way you eat and the quantity of food is important for your health. This helps your body to keep the body healthy and beautiful. According to Ayurveda, eating right amount of food helps in maintaining balance with the body. The amount of food may vary according to the person’s appetite and physical activities.

From ginger to fresh fruits and vegetables, there should be richness in all food. When we eat, we must maintain a balance of nutrients in our food. It is also important to include different tastes like salty, sweet, salty, spicy, sour, and bitter in the diet, as these keep our food thoughts and nutrition balanced. 

By taking food in right quantity, the balance of nutrients is maintained in our body and food which can be digested quickly and is rich in nutrients, prevents various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to include the right food and its right quantity in your life.

Make Your Body Healthy and Beautiful With Help of Ayurveda

Keep important things in mind while eating  

  1. Cooking of vegetables:  Neither over nor undercook the vegetables. Cooking in the right amount maintains their nutritional structure.
  2. Use of honey and jaggery instead of sugar:  Instead of sugar, honey and jaggery come with more Ayurvedic and nutritional properties.
  3. Flour and porridge instead of refined flour:  Eating flour and porridge instead of refined flour gives you more nutrition.
  4. Avoid junk food:  Junk food contains high amounts of sodium, transfat and sugar, which can cause harm to the body.
  5. Use of Ginger:  Roasting a piece of ginger and eating it increases digestive power.
  6. Hot food:  Food should be hot as it is better for digestion.
  7. Food quantity:  One should eat half of the hunger, which is also good for digestion.

In Ayurveda, drinking water sip by sip is like nectar, drink water before eating food or you can drink it even after half an hour of eating food. Drink one or two sips of water while eating only if absolutely necessary. Drinking lukewarm water at least twice a day helps in keeping the body healthy and beautiful.

Make Your Body Healthy and Beautiful With Help of Ayurveda

Things to eat occasionally to taste 

Eat cheese twice a week, 
eat sprouts twice a week. You can boil them and eat them by adding salt and lemon. 
Use curd three times a week.

Do not eat certain things by mixing them with food 

Do not consume milk with fruits, it is not considered good for health in Ayurveda.

Do not eat hot parathas with very cold curd, it can harm your health. 

 Do not eat anything with milk which contains high amount of salt, it causes harm. 

So in this way you can make your body healthy and beautiful with help of ayurveda

Make Your Body Healthy and Beautiful With Help of Ayurveda

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